Rapeseed wax


Rapeseed wax is a natural vegetable wax derived from the oil of the rapeseed plant, commonly used as an eco-friendly alternative to traditional paraffin wax in candle making and other applications. It offers a clean and slow burn, as well as good fragrance retention.


  • Candle Making:
    Rapeseed wax is frequently used in candle production, offering a sustainable and clean-burning alternative to paraffin wax.
  • Cosmetics:
    It is utilized in the formulation of natural cosmetics such as lip balms, lotions, and creams, providing moisturizing properties.
  • Polishes:
    Rapeseed wax is employed in furniture and shoe polishes, contributing to a smooth finish and protective layer.
  • Food Wraps:
    In eco-friendly food packaging, rapeseed wax is used to create wraps and coatings for its natural and biodegradable characteristics.
  • Textile Finishing:
    It is applied to textiles to enhance water resistance and durability in outdoor clothing and fabrics.
  • Printing Inks:
    Rapeseed wax finds use in the formulation of environmentally friendly printing inks due to its renewable and sustainable nature.
  • Adhesives:
    Some adhesive formulations incorporate rapeseed wax for its binding properties in a range of applications.
  • Personal Care Products:
    It is found in various personal care items such as soaps, creams, and hair products for its emollient and conditioning effects.
  • DIY Crafting:
    Rapeseed wax is popular among crafters for making homemade candles, soaps, and other DIY projects.
  • Biodegradable Lubricants:
    In certain industrial applications, rapeseed wax is used as a component in the production of biodegradable and environmentally friendly lubricants.

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